Signs You’re Infatuated Instead of in Love: Recognizing Unhealthy Obsession

Gabriela Chang
2 min readJul 10, 2023


It’s crucial to distinguish between being infatuated and truly in love. Unfortunately, many individuals find themselves trapped in relationships they perceive as loving when, in reality, they are driven by an unhealthy obsession. Acknowledging this distinction can be challenging, as some individuals refuse to admit that their emotions lean more towards obsession than genuine love. If you suspect that you may be infatuated rather than in love, this article will outline key signs to help you recognize and address this issue.

Prioritizing the Object of Infatuation over Responsibilities:
One common characteristic of infatuation is flaking on important commitments due to the slightest chance of encountering the object of your infatuation. This could involve missing work, school, or other vital appointments simply because they might call or there’s a slim chance of bumping into them. However, in the long run, you’ll regret neglecting your responsibilities and realize that this person’s significance will fade from memory. It’s essential to maintain balance in life.

Sacrificing Personal Interests for Availability:
Another sign of infatuation is forsaking activities you enjoy just to be available in case the person you’re infatuated with decides to contact you or meet up. Essentially, you’re putting your life on hold for someone who has not demonstrated their commitment to you. Instead of sacrificing your own happiness, consider that a healthy relationship involves mutual respect and genuine interest. Don’t miss out on opportunities for personal growth and enjoyment.

Neglecting Friendships for the Sake of Infatuation:
When infatuated with someone you’re dating or wish to date, it’s common to disregard your friendships in favor of being constantly available to that person, even when they haven’t reached out or made plans with you. Over time, this behavior can push your friends away, as they perceive your lack of care and commitment towards them. It’s crucial to strike a balance between nurturing your relationships and exploring potential romantic connections.

If you resonate with any of these signs, it’s essential to recognize how deeply you’ve fallen into the trap of infatuation. Remember, you shouldn’t put your life on hold in the hope that someone might give you a call or unexpectedly show up. If you find yourself always being available on the off chance they reach out, it’s crucial to seek support in overcoming your infatuation. Failing to address this issue could potentially harm your entire life. Therefore, prioritize moving past this infatuation and focus on building a healthy relationship with someone who genuinely values you.

If you feel you are infatuated and you are unable to overcome this obsession, allow yourself to lean back and let him lead. If he isn’t stepping up or interested in spending quality time with you, he’s just not that into you.



Gabriela Chang

Learn to use the universal laws and feminine embodiment tips to create a vibration that naturally attracts your dream relationship into your life.